Udbina is a very small village, about 200 people total. However, they have a great restaurant at the bottom of the hill. There were quite a few men in military outfits there with me having both lunch/dinner and the next morning for breakfast it was the same. The guy behind the counter runs the show there, his name was Marko too. A great stop, also, there are a few bars up the hill in the actual town, good places to stop for a drink. There is a nice natural water springs that you won't miss on the ride up into the town on the switchback. As I was headed in to the town of Udbina, I saw quite an interesting site. There was a man there on the side of the road who was cutting down trees with a chainsaw all while his wife was stacking the wood in nice neat rows. And I am not talking about just a little bit, there were cords and cords of wood, maybe ten cords in all. Pretty impressive to say the least. I just wish I had my axe to go over and show him how to really split some wood with the old 8 lb mallet axe. This was a great day, even though the rain started coming in, that didn't matter at all. I think the guys and the bartender at the small local bar were a bit freaked out by me showing up and having a beer with them though. That was pretty funny.